Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Arctic Freeze Has Ended......well in room 6 anyways!!!

We have finished our science unit on arctic animals and their habitats. The students loved reading, learning, and writing about these amazing creatures. From penguins, to walruses, to arctic hares, and snowy owls, we learned it all! To conclude our studies each student choose their favorite animal. They got to read about the animals in nonfiction text and identified important and interesting facts. With these facts each student was able to write a research report about their animal. This was a major writing project and they LOVED it!!! Add to the excitement each student was able to get crafty and created their animals using construction paper and markers. The reports and animals turned out FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

What a great way to end a wonderful unit. Next up in science and social studies --> dental health month and the Winter Olympics!

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